Warner Bros. Looney Tunes is a popular animation which contains lots of comedy and is full of laughs. Unlike with other comedy shows such as BBC Mock the Week or the famous ‘Two Ronnies’, where the writers scripts are funny, intelligent and witty, not that scripts in animation are not. Animation is a very visual media and it’s what we seen (combined with other factors such as the script, the characters personality and sound effects) in the animation which contributes to creating comedy.
“What’s up doc?” Bugs Bunny (BB) is one of the most notable of all the Warner Bros. characters. Always involved in conflicts with a range of other Warner Bros. characters e.g. Elmer Fudd, Bugs uses a range of tricks to cause chaos for his opposite number at the same time making the audience laugh. This can be seen in the episode (click on link).
One example of where these factors can be seen to create comedy is when Bugs Bunny places a stick of dynamite in Rocky’s mouth as though it was a ‘cigarette’ and then imitating Rocky’s voice to get Mugsy to light up the “cigarette” (with Mugsy thinking that he’s back in Rocky’s good books again) which in consequence leads to Rocky being blown up. The use of sound effects such as the dynamite being lighted and then blown up further adds to the comedy in the animation. The formula of Mugsy messing up and Rocky punishing him afterwards further adds to the comedy after Rocky is blown up.
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